Web Analytics Wellington- Websense Development NZ
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Web Analytics Wellington


Web Analytics Wellington helps to improve internet marketing. With the help of web analytics data, marketers can access information like how much traffic is coming to the website, what are the sources of that traffic, how users are interacting with their website, and more. Did we mention Websense Development offers web analytics right here in Wellington?

Web analytics is measuring and analysing the web data to understand and optimise website usage. Our expert web analytics team follows a simplified process for better web analytics results. Web analytics offered in Wellington is essential for growing your business by accessing market research and assessing your website.


Our web analytics Wellington experts develop strategies for tracking different aspects of web traffic to your website.


After discussing and finalising the strategies, we implement specific web analytics to get better results.


Improving your business through web analytics means your company grows and we can repeat the analytics process to maintain the growth.


There are various factors taken into account for web analytics, including:

Traffic Sources

Conversion Rates

Engagement Rate

Page-Load Time

Bounce Rate

SEO Analysis

Visitor Flow

User Behaviour

Content Quality

Audience Info

Websense offers Web Analytics Wellington to help boost your customer engagement on your website, whilst retaining and gaining new visitors. You can expect the volume of goods and services on your website to increase and spending habits of your customers to improve.

There are a variety of different Web Analytics that can help develop your business. Some of the following being:



Behaviour analytics is the process of using data to understand the behaviour of users on your website or app.


This can include page views, email sign-ups, and more. This helps retain customers, build cohorts, and understand engagement and conversion.

Find out more.


User analytics looks at analysing user behaviour and trends to help understand how they interact with your website or app.


This is important as it helps build your business based on actual user behaviour rather than your own. Find out more.



Traffic analysis is the process of intercepting and examining messages to help understand patterns in communication.


It is critical for business’ to know and understand how traffic comes to and from your site. Find out more.



Acquisition analytics is used to identify how users arrive at your website. These specific reports are used to gain a greater understanding of your traffic.


It can help differentiate between customers using search engines or arriving directly, or if marketing campaigns have been successful in user attraction. Find out more.

Contact Websense Development for Web Analytics Wellington, we are here to help grow and develop your business.

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