07 Dec 5 Great Ways Christmas Can Help Market Your Business
Christmas Can Help You Market Your Business
With Christmas just around the corner, it is a great time for your business to take advantage of the marketing opportunities that arise with it. Christmas is a great way to advertise and offer promotions to customers, giving them the benefits to use your services.
Here’s a list we came up with to help you use Christmas for the better of your business.
1. Targeting Pain Points
Despite the joy and merry feelings associated with Christmas, in actuality, Christmas can be the toughest time of the year for many. Giving presents to many friends and family can add up and cause financial struggles.
Aiming your promotions and marketing to these areas in a positive way means many customers will feel understood and happy that they can get a better deal at your business. Make sure you’re not taking advantage of those pain points though, it’s important to target your campaigns in a legitimate and positive way, an example would be getting better deals in the month of December, like 2-for-1 or 50% off on selected services.
2. Christmas Email Marketing
Email marketing is a strategy you can use all year round. Yet, when Christmas comes around, receiving a themed email campaign can make all the difference to just a regular one. Sending letters and wish lists to Santa is a common activity for children and young adults. You can play into this idea with your email marketing.
Spend some time designing a new email campaign that helps bring the Christmas spirit in your advertising. Better yet, make your campaign interactive and fun, adding deals and promotions with Christmas games or user-interactive experiences, helping engage your clients and increasing your sales.
3. Discounts and Coupons
As mentioned a couple of times already this one is a bit of an obvious one. Christmas is one of the best times of the year to offer discounts, coupons and other promotional sales to help promote sales.
Because everyone is gift hunting and looking for the best bargains, make sure your business is offering some of the greatest deals in your respective market. Combined with some effective, targeted marketing, your business will be flowing with sales in no time.
4. Christmas Design Take Over
Design and how your marketing outputs look can make all the difference for sales. We suggest creating multiple different Christmas campaigns, whether it’s for your website, social media or other marketing tools.
Play into the red and green colour palettes and make your campaigns contain the spirit of Christmas. It is up to you how you want to design your outputs, as every business will be different. But remember that good design will show and help increase clicks, sales and conversions.
5. Know Your Customers
Lastly, knowing your customers can help boost your sales massively. Your business may appeal to many audiences whilst others may only appeal to a few. A key thing to know is your audience profiles.
If you know your customers you can target adverts and promotions to them on a personal level. This means you will drive sales up with the correct marketing and appeal to your audiences. Pitching relatable stories and helpful solutions will no doubt increase your sales.
We hope that this list has been helpful to you and helped you get some inspiration for some Christmas-inspired marketing tips. It is one of the only times of the year to really push your sales and target your specific audiences.
If you need any help with any aspects of graphic design, email marketing or online marketing in general, get in touch as we can help you!
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